Sunday, May 9, 2010

Climb Spree 5.11+

Prison Camp is a climbing area in the Catalinas here in Tucson. It isn't very far up on the Mt Lemmon Highway but its a canyon that runs east/west for the most part and doesn't get too much sun and has a pretty decent body of water flowing through it, so it's great to climb in even as we hit triple digits out here. The area got its name from the prison labor that was used to construct the original Hitchcock Highway that went up to the top of Mt Lemmon. It's since been renamed with a more "politically correct" name, Gordon Hirabayashi, but the climbers still know it as Prison Camp. The climbs there range the gambit from 5.7-5.12d, and everything in between. There is a north facing wall, about 45-50ft tall that has a selection of sport and trad climbs that are all in the 10-12d range, it makes a great test piece.

Here are a few shots of Mike "Danger" Cutshall, and Derek Anderson sending Climb Spree(5.11d). The route is sustained 5.11+ climbing with a 5.12- start, and is now on my to do list.

Tyler Gates
Good Life Photography

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